Effects of COVID-19 and vaccination on the human immune system: cases of lymphopenia and autoimmunity

The article from Future Virology, authored by J Gerlach and AM Baig, discusses the effects of COVID-19 and vaccination on the human immune system, particularly focusing on cases of lymphopenia and autoimmunity. The study explores the possibility that some individuals may be more prone to developing an immune response to self-antigens after COVID-19 infection and during Long COVID. It highlights the role of the Spike (S) protein as the primary antigen inciting antibody and T-killer cell production after infection or mRNA vaccination, with variations in the immune response potentially determining the clinical severity of COVID-19.

The article raises concerns about the emergence of autoantibodies to various human receptors in COVID-19 patients, which is alarming and suggests a potential link to autoimmunity. The study also notes the need for long-term follow-up of patients with persistent lymphopenia following COVID-19 to clarify any association with malignancies. Additionally, the presence of antinuclear antibodies in Long COVID syndrome patients, which are known to cause severe complications in diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, is reported.

The article emphasizes the importance of long-term monitoring of patients with COVID-19, Long COVID, and those who have been vaccinated to observe immune cell deregulation that could lead to autoimmunity. A qualitative analysis of the functional status of immune regulatory cells is suggested to provide clues toward their sensitivity for autoimmune disease.





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